WIA-since my last WIAW…

Woah how long has it been since I did a WIAW? Like a month? Gee whiz!

Well I have some photos of the better meals for you today, that I have randomly taken but never got around to posting! Then next week we can start all over with more recent times!

photo-104Okay breakfasts are still kinda the same…OIA-(Homemade cashew butter) J. We go through nut butter like its our job. We always have at least 3 different kinds, and OIAJ is a regular occurrence for me (I finally have my family trained to leave the jars at prime picking!!)


But when the jars aren’t empty, they are full of Caramel Macchiato Almond Butter 😉 Shameless plug.

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Told you its been a while!! Mothers day Breakfast! I made Heather’s Samoas Pancakes!

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They were quite delicious. AKA why don’t I make pancakes more often?!?!


I tried a Kevita with my Veg News, but I think I prefer Kombucha. I want to taste them all!!

WATERMELON!!! (while cleaning my room…that awkward moment when your mattress pad is a really good backdrop)

I may or may not have single handedly consumed 2 large and one personal watermelon in the past month. The most recent was a large melon in a record 4 days!


I made Laura’s Blood Orange Avocado scones and we had them for dessert as strawberry shortcake (with lemon soy yogurt). Yum.


Sweet potatoes topped with curried lentils and sautéed kale


Feelin Fancy with my Free Time! Roasted red peppers stuffed with a curried lentil-farro grain-green peas mixture and lemon pepper balsamic broccolini on the side. I’m getting good at this 😉


I made delicious comfort food too!! Not as pretty but just as yummy! Vegan Mac n Cheese (using this recipe) with peas and mushrooms. Because when I was little my mac always had peas in it. And sometimes hot dogs. Slash hamburger helper. mmm dinner in a box 😉


the kabocha is tasting especially fine lately!


First bbq of the season!!! I made mexican tempeh-black bean-cauliflower burgers that my stepdad grilled along with sweet raspberry chipotle asparagus and corn on the cob (that I can eat sans braces whoop!!)


This was eaten during my stress month, can you tell? What better to put on chocolate pudding than chocolate brownies amiright?


And its only fitting for the final picture to be of the final slice…of this amazing Raw Carrot Cake. The saddest part is that I couldn’t edge off more cake even out the rest of it when I was done…Guess I know what Im making tomorrow 😉

Summer is in the air, can you feel it?

What are you looking forward to this weekend? My big sister is graduating from College on Saturday so we are going up to see her!! Im so excited and proud of her!!

17 thoughts on “WIA-since my last WIAW…

    • thanks!! And they were delicious! I just wish I had had an actual blood orange to make them with-I had to use a plain orange and added a bit of orange extract instead!

  1. Your post has me drooling all over my computer! I can totally identify with you when it comes to the nut butters. I am a fanatic! I also love my oats. Have you ever tried oat bran? I just discovered it and fell head over heels in love with it! Have a great day!

    • Last year I was all about the oat bran, this year its been old fashioned and my oat bran has been sitting in the corner of my panty all sad and alone!! Looks like its time to break it out again haha!! Thanks!

  2. All your food looks delicious, as always! That was sweet of you to make Mother’s Day breakfast for your mom; those pancakes look delicious. Heather always has the most decadent pancake recipes. I have been eating a ton of watermelon as well recently; it does a great job of keeping me hydrated through long and sweaty ballet classes. The only downside is that its high water content keeps me dashing to the bathroom with embarrassing frequency…I find it impossible to eat watermelon in moderation. That vegan macaroni and cheese looks delicious, especially with the addition of peas. I haven’t made vegan mac and cheese in quite a long time; maybe I will try out that recipe. And I completely agree that chocolate brownies are the best thing to out on chocolate pudding–the more chocolate the better, right?? That’s great that your sister is graduating from college; I hope you have a wonderful time at the ceremony!

    • haha exactly to each and everything you just said!! I think summer fruit in general is too hard to moderate-and thanks it was wonderful!! 🙂

  3. omg wow..how amazing does all of your food look?!
    Yummm! OIAJ are the best and that caramel macchiato nut butter, sounds unreal!

  4. I’ve been wanting to make that raw carrot cake–it just looks and sounds so good! And I just saw your caramel macchiato almond butter post and I know what my next nut butter experiment will be. I’m actually just jealous of all your food!

    • Thanks! I hope you like it, I think one of my summer endeavors will be a series of coffee shop nut butters (java butter?) I’m a little obsessed…;)

  5. Oh my gosh girl, you’ve been eating WELL!!! So so glad that you liked the pancakes…they are definitely one of my most favorite recipes! And that caramel macchiato almond butter?! Oh man, that has GOT to happen in my kitchen…um, as soon as I work on the 10 jars I have open at the moment! Nut butter addiction much? Lol

    Love the Kevita drinks! I still love my kombucha but it’s nice to have something else that you don’t have to barter your unborn child for! The mojito is the first one I tried too! So far, I’ve tried the mango coconut, strawberry acai coconut, pomegranate coconut, and the lemon ginger…the mojito and the pom are my faves!

    That carrot cake looks/sounds amazing! Just checked out the recipe…nice to see that it’s not 95% nuts like most raw desserts and I’m a HUGE fan of the coconut flour addition…might have to try that soon!

    • I have that same problem with nut butter-I swear the only reason we don’t have even more in stock is because I don’t have a job yet and so all nut butter goodness comes from a beg and plead session with my parent’s wallets…;) And its weird, but where I live the kombucha is actually the same price/cheaper than the Kevita -go figure! And yeah, that was probably what I was most excited about with the cake, because then I wouldn’t be the only one stuck eating it (my mom is sensitive to nuts and my stepdad is wary of anything but traditional desserts). It was awesome because it was different and a perfect, light and refreshing summery dessert. My only alteration would be to chop(pulse in processor) the carrot shreds a bit if you shred them in the processor, because since they don’t cook down they get a little stringy in the cake. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Pingback: WIAW-just desserts (well, almost) | Life Hands You Limes

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